Radio Is Still One of Our Favorite Ways to Hear Music
I'm not saying we deserve ALL the credit for this . . . actually, yes I am: A new poll found radio is still one of America's top three FAVORITE ways to hear music.
1. Streaming services got 38% of the vote. No surprise there.
2. Live concerts, 15%. Just one percentage point higher than . . .
3. RADIO with 14% of the vote. We like it for the same reason we always did. You never know what you'll hear next . . . and the show hosts are very attractive.
4. CDs, 13%. A lot of cars still have CD players.
5. Vinyl records, 12%. People who like the sound REALLY like it.
Only 4% said MP3s on their phone or iPod. And just 1% said cassette tapes are their favorite way to listen to music in 2025.
When you combine all those groups, the average person spends $274 on music a year: $100 on concerts . . . $75 on streaming services . . . $53 on CDs . . . $46 on records . . . and ZERO dollars on us. You're welcome, America.
Originally posted on March 14th, 2025